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aspect ratio (電視影像的)縱橫比;【航空】展弦比。


Aiming at this important problem to be urgently settled in engineering design , the research group in which the author of this thesis is have carried out a series of test investigations on coupling beams with small aspect ratio 針對工程設計中這一急待解決的重要問題,本論文作者所在的研究組對小跨高比連梁進行了系列試驗研究。

By use of this technique , we fabricated scaffold - like micro - well structures with sub - micron resolution and high aspect ratio by both raster scanning and pinpoint scanning methods 與其它微加工技術比較,使用此方法除可制作復雜的三維微結構外,同時它又具有免用光罩、制作步驟簡單、真正三維的立體結構及高解析度之優點。

For example , it is challenging for the chemical etching process to drop below a 1 . 5 aspect ratio while , with laser cutting and electroforming , apertures can be produced that have a 1 : 1 aspect ratio to the stencil thickness 比如,表觀比率低于1 . 5對于化學腐蝕試一大挑戰,而激光切割和電鑄可制成表觀比率為1 . 1的鋼網。

The best reductive effectiveness under different gas channel width , marangoni number and aspect ratio have been represented . it should be emphasized that the mc reduction of 99 % can be realized in some situations 流道寬度對熔體熱毛細對流的抑制有很大的影響,流道越窄,熔體熱毛細對流的抑制效果也越好。

The formation mechanism of cds nanowires was also discussed . only short cds nanorods with low aspect ratio were obtained in the case of only using ethylenediamine as the reaction medium 首次以聚乙烯醇( pva )為基體采用溶劑熱方法成功制備了cds納米線,表征了其結構性能,并討論了其制備機理。

In this paper , the author would like to disclose the development in transfer tool for high aspect ratio deep drawing brass tube with two stages at mirdc 摘要本文主要介紹金屬工業研究發展中心,以深引伸傳送技術開發高長徑比雙階差黃銅管件深引伸模具之成果,包含工程規劃、模具設計及試模等方面。

Is not zero , the aspect ratio of the device is matched against the digitization aspect ratio of the available fonts to find the closest match , determined by the absolute value of the difference 非零,設備的縱橫比將與可用字體的數字化縱橫比進行匹配,根據差異的絕對值來確定最接近的匹配。

Influence of aspect ratio on response of infilled frames is analyzed . 3 . combining experiment with theory , a equivalent strut was used to model the stiffness of infill 利用本文提出的方法,計算了密肋復合墻板模型試件的彈性剛度,并與試驗結果進行了對比,兩者吻合較好。

Traffic flux and average speed detection are realized based on visual c + + , in addition , the idea is brought forward that to recognize vehicles by its aspect ratio 同時,以visualc + + 6 . 0為平臺,實現了車流量和平均車速的檢測,并提出了以車輛長寬比為依據的車型識別思想。

The template must also show the proper size and aspect ratio , otherwise , the template particles must be stable with the matrix at the desired growth temperature and environment 模板顆粒必須具有和pmn - pt類似的晶體結構和晶胞參數;模板顆粒必須具備足夠大的徑高比。

In ld aspect , reduction or increase of the active region thickness can reduce the aspect ratio of the ld beam and consequently improve the beam ’ s symmetry 在ld方面,減小或增加有源區的厚度,都可以減小激射光束的縱橫比,改善ld光束的對稱性。

The infrared radiation characteristics of axisymmetric and 2 - d nozzles with aspect ratios of 1 , 4 , 8 , 12 and 16 , have been experimentally studied 摘要對軸對稱噴管和一組長寬比分別為1 , 4 , 8 , 12和16的二元噴管進行了紅外輻射特性測試實驗研究。

Without considering other aspects , carbon nanotubes with the same aspect ratio have entirely uniform trend in charge density relative distribution curve 在忽略其他條件影響下,長徑比相同的碳納米管,電荷密度相對分布曲線趨勢完全相同。

Abstract : it is emphasized on the affect of aspect ratios and friction factors on the workability , and some valuable curves are given 文摘:重點研究了高徑比與摩擦系數對可加工性能的影響,并給出了一些有價值的曲線。

The general rule is that , for acceptable paste release , the area ratio should be greater than 0 . 66 and the aspect ratio greater than 1 . 5 常用的規則是:對于錫膏釋放來說,面積比率應大于0 . 66 ,表觀比率應答于1 . 5 。

Tyres for earth moving machinery , dumpers and special vehicles in service on and off the road ; diagonal ply tyres with a nominal aspect ratio exceeding 90 % 公路和非公路用運土機械翻斗車和專用車輛輪胎.第1

Film 35 mm ; image produced by camera aperture and projected image area , anamorphotic method , lateral compression ratio 2 : 1 and aspect ratio 2 , 35 : 1 35mm膠片.采用變形法按橫向壓縮比為2 : 1和寬高比為2 . 3

Effects of different stiffness between wing and fuselage structures on structural responses for high aspect ratio airplanes 無人機大展弦比直機翼單雙機身布局對結構剛度的影響

Fabrication of ultra deep electrical isolation trenches with high aspect ratio using drie and dielectric refill 用深反應離子刻蝕和介質填充技術制造具有高深寬比的超深電隔離槽